SAFETY FIRST | Emergency Training for Rescue on Mars
The delay of communication between Earth and Mars may last almost 20 minute (one way). In case of emergency, the Crew on the Mars terrain will need to be autonomous and prepared to face unexpected situations, and trained to react quickly. This is what we called the Emergency Management Program.
During this mission, the Crew Executive officer and Crew Geologist will implement a protocol and explain how the crew is prepared to respond effectively in the unlikely event of an emergency situation on the martian terrain.
The program includes emergency preparedness, incident command, and corrective actions. The Crew will perform a variety of functions before, during, and after an incident, to include:
Emergency Preparedness Training, Exercise, and Outreach
Building Monitor Program
Shelter in Place
Incident Command Post
Command and Control
Alert and Notification
Damage Assessment
Reconstitution Operations
Corrective Action Program
PROJECT LEAD: Aline Decadi